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Oliver Vierhaus - September 8, 2024

God's Gym: Temptation

After ending up in Egypt as a slave, God began to bless and prosper Joseph, where he was entrusted with running his master’s entire estate. But God was not yet done training and shaping Joseph for the destiny and calling He had for him. The next part of his preparation involved facing and overcoming the temptation to sin. But even though he refused to sin against God, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison. Would he still continue to trust God and not give in to despair? Ultimately, we can only overcome temptation, like Joseph, when we love God with a surpassing love. How do we grow in such a love for God? By believing the Good News and looking constantly to the only One who has truly overcome temptation and sin, Jesus. He is the Ultimate Joseph – who, although he perfectly trusted and obeyed God, took on our sin and was forsaken on the Cross so that we could live in God’s presence forever.

From Series: "Joseph: Promise, Pain & Purpose"

Join us for a new series exploring the life of Joseph, one of the most prominently featured individuals in the Bible. There is much in his life that we can learn from today.

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Explore the Ephesians Series


Oliver Vierhaus - February 19, 2017

Paul and the Problem of Prosperity


From Series: "Affluenza"

Money, Possessions and the Problem of Eternity

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