Sundays 9:30am


We are a local church community serving the Stellenbosch area. Our dream is to be a community of people who are filled with and filling Stellenbosch with the hope and life of Christ. We’re a family church that loves students. We are led by Paul and Kate Hoatson and their team of elders.

Eikestad Primary School, Doornbosch Street, Stellenbosch



Johannes Brand - August 25, 2024

Called For Purpose

Today, Johannes Brand started a new sermon series based on the life of Joseph. He used Joseph's life to show that God has a calling and purpose for each believer. To fulfill our calling and purpose, we need to obey God every day. Johannes cautioned that following God's calling often leads to opposition and that God uses trials and hardships to prepare believers for their calling. He concluded that we should not waste our suffering but allow it to shape us for God's purposes.

From Series: "Joseph: Promise, Pain & Purpose"

Join us for a new series exploring the life of Joseph, one of the most prominently featured individuals in the Bible. There is much in his life that we can learn from today.

More Messages from Johannes Brand...

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